An interview with president hu jun of jinan university 暨南大学胡军校长访谈录
Zhao shi - long , , chen bao - yu , hu jun - jiang and hu li - li 赵士陈宝玉胡俊江胡丽丽
An exchange with hu jun : confucianism in fang dongmei ' s philosophical ideas 兼与胡军教授商榷
Cast : eric tsang , anthony wong , shawn yue , edison chen , hu jun , carina lau 演员:陈冠希余文乐吴镇宇黄秋生曾志伟刘嘉玲胡军
Theory of knowledge and philosophy : an enquiry into xiong shili s philosophical view . hu jun 知识论与哲学评熊十力对西方哲学中知识论的误解胡军
Meanwhile , the police under the command of inspectors wong anthony wong and sp luk hu jun have been placed on the highest alert 刘健明与陈永仁在警校门口擦身而过,踏上截然不同的命途